4 Features of ZenlinkPro You Must to Know

4 min readAug 21, 2021


  1. Zenlink DEX Protocol
    Parachains on Polkadot are essentially a collection of completely independent and freely programmable Runtime Modules. Compared with Ethereum’s smart contract, parachains are more completely isolated, and the running calculations between parachains can be independently parallelized. This allows Polkadot’s comprehensive performance to increase by several levels, but it will also make the interaction between parachains more complicated.

The team led by Gavin is vigorously developing the communication protocol XCMP on the parachains, but even if the development of the XCMP protocol is completed, we still need to develop various application-related general protocols on the XCMP protocol. Zenlink DEX Protocol is to implement a protocol for parachains to interoperate and share the liquidity pool.

2. Zenlink DEX Module
Due to the benefit of Polkadot’s advanced architecture, parachains can achieve features with different tech stacks, even their own consensus. Implementing or importing a pallet is the most common way to achieve a feature. ZenLink implements the Module version of Zenlink DEX Protocol which enables parachains to access DEX capabilities and share liquidity with other parachains quickly. Zenlink DEX Module mainly consists of two parts:

  • Assets, namely Zenlink Assets.
  • Asset Operations, namely Zenlink Actions.

Through the UAI(Unified Asset Identifier) and MultiAssetsHandler interfaces, Zenlink can perform swap and transfer any asset on parachains by XCM.

3. Zenlink DEX Aggregator
The aggregator is part of the future Zenlink DEX Network, and the Zenlink team will start with smart order routing to complete it step by step, so let’s learn what Zenlink smart order routing is at first.

  • Smart Order Routing Overview
    In order to help users find the best trading path and bring users the best trading experience, Zenlink built Smart Order Routing. With this Smart Order Routing function, Zenlink can aggregate all liquidity on parachains connected to Zenlink DEX Protocol, becoming an one-stop shop that aggregates the optimal token price across parachains “market depth”, whether mainstream trading pairs or long-tailed trading pairs.
  • Smart Order Routing Strategy
    Zenlink smart order routing adopts a new routing algorithm, which can effectively make use of many “market depths” in the same protocol and obtain the optimal transaction price by optimizing the transaction path for users in real-time. According to the current scenario design, when a user plans to make a transaction, the execution strategy is rough as follows:

Step 1: user enters the tokens and the amount of tokens they plan to buy (sell), and the DEX front end begins to simulate smart order routing transactions in the Zenlink DEX liquidity pool (Pool) of all parachains. The routing will filter out the feasible solution of the transaction through “depth” priority search in all Pool in a single chain and prioritize the transaction path to get the optimal solution.

Step 2: after the simulated routing transaction of all chains, a set of optimal solutions of each parachain will be obtained and the chains in which the first N optimal solutions are listed in order will be used as the input parameters of the Split Trade.

Step 3: after obtaining the N chains that specifically execute the split trade, the route will be split for the first time, and the first split will allocate more transaction share to the more optimal price chain in the above simulated routing transaction. After the share is allocated, the route calculation will get the solution after the first split. Compared with the simulated optimal solution obtained before the split, the better chain after price fluctuation will get more transaction share allocation in the next split.

Step 4: continue to carry out the previous step until the trading price fluctuation on each chain after allocation shows a gentle situation and is lower than a certain threshold, then the current best split result is obtained and used as the final trading path.
In short, in the preliminary design scheme of Zenlink smart order routing, when it comes to cross-chain transactions, the route will at least simulate the transaction results in different paths in more than two parachains, and finally select the Pool on N parachains with the best simulation results to split the transaction.
It is worth mentioning that the above-mentioned selection of N optimal solution chains as the input parameters of the split transaction will not be too large. The reason for this design is that such transactions involve cross-chain Transfer, in order to ensure the success rate of routing transactions and to avoid “invalid” routes caused by the time difference caused by cross-chain Transfer between too many parachains. Therefore, a more balanced value will be sought as the value of N in the final routing scheme.

4. Zenlink SlotVault
Zenlink SlotVault is a smart pool product created by Zenlink to support more parachain projects bidding slots and to meet the demand for more non-parachain projects to participate in PLO.

Zenlink SlotVault will allow users to choose the allocation of funds according to the income rate to participate in the crowdloan of parachain projects so as to obtain multiple token benefits from the crowdloan sponsors and their supporting projects. It will encourage more users to participate in parachain projects crowdfunding, which in turn will increase the success rate of parachain project bidding slots.

In particular, Zenlink will provide support for all parachain projects that join Zenlink SlotVault, and airdrop ZLK for all users who lock KSM/DOT through Zenlink SlotVault to support parachain projects in their slots bidding as an additional incentive.

- Highlights

  • Decentralized and Secure funds
  • PLO as mining and boosting your benefits
  • Achieving a win-win situation for all parties in the Polkadot ecosystem
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