Dropil Brand Guidelines

4 min readDec 17, 2019


1. How to use this page?

The Dropil brand includes the Dropil name, logo, graphics, colors, etc. Follow the guidelines on this page when creating Dropil related content or using the Dropil brand for marketing purposes.

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— Brand Colors

The Dropil color scheme features 5 colors: Dark Night and Dark Blue is used for headers. Light Blue is an optional sub header color as well as an accent color. Dark Gray is used for backgrounds. Light gray is used for body text as well as an accent color. White is used in background spaces

Use these colors for any Dropil flyers, ads, or other company materials. Colors should be used as intended (Dark Blue headers, Light Grey Text, etc.). Lighter shades of Light Grey is allowed.

Do not use slight variations of these colors. Do not use completely different colors. Do not swap color purposes (e.g., no green headers).


2. Logo Usage

Example A
Example B
Example C
Type A
Type B
Type C
Type D

— Size and Proportions

The Dropil logo consists of the black text in Comfortaa font and a “Drop” symbol on a white background. When using the logo ensure at least 33% of padding all around. Only use the 300DPI version of the logo for print.

— Dropil Name

Dropil name should always be capitalized. Do not use the logo or logo font within a sentence. Dropil Tokens can be referred to as DROP / DROPS (All capitals) or Drop Token.

Secondary H2, H3
Lead Subtitle
Body Text, Paragraph

— Fonts Usage

All headers should be done in Tiempos Headline font. If that font is not available the next acceptable font is a Google Font: IBM Plex Serif Bold. If that is also not available use Times New Roman. For body font and subtitle font use Lato and the variations of it where needed.

— Colors

All headline fonts should use either Dark Blue or Dark Night color on white background. On dark color or picture backgrounds use white color for fonts. Use Light Grey color for white backgrounds for Body fonts

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Marketing Guidelines

Our brand is represented with a clean design. Simplify your designs to the most basic concept.

Our brand is represented with
clean design. Simplify your designs to the most basic concept.

Avoid busy backgrounds and a lot of text.

3. About Us

— Our Mission

Offering a simple, intuitive, and automated tools for the cryptocurrency market, this was the dream Dropil is the answer.

— Built in House

Even though we are a global team, our company is based out of Belize. We are right in the melting pot of ideas, technology, and great minds. This allows us fast access to top talent and resources.

— Privately Funded

We like to be in control of our lives and our decisions. That’s why we are doing this without outside investors. We strongly believe that best work comes from the heart without decisions being diluted by boards of directors. This lets us stay focused on our goals and create a product that is truly ours.

Want to be part of the Dropil Team?

Send your resume to careers@dropil.com

Thank you for your attention ❤

Sources : www.dropil.com/branding



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