Let’s To Closer With ‘Dex Features' from Dropil Cryptocurrency
1. Autonomous Trading
Dex is our intelligent trading system that earns you drops based on our automated trading according to smart trading strategies. It is designed to increase your Drop holding based on learning algorithms developed in-house to net you the biggest return.
How Dex works?
Dex System consists of Risk Pools, Logic Servers and Bot Systems.
Together they are controlled by a unified Control Center center that swaps logic in real time.
This is option from Dex Features :
Dex uses a pooling approach for each logic server stack, this means that all users of a like mode, or risk type, contribute to and receive returns from that mode’s pool. Users can either join the safe, moderate or aggressive pool.
Each risk mode uses different switching logic servers. This allows for automatically switching to a different set of strategies in reaction to market changes. The modes of the individual instances operate independently of each other with no cross communication.
Each instance of the bot system trades only one pair, on one exchange, on one account at a time. Each instance is independent, however, multiple numbers of instances, structures, and logic are always running and this overall strategy is set using the main Control Center.
Dex System has a number of safety nets in place to prevent loss. If the Control Center is not sure what’s going on it halts the trading and alerts our monitoring team.
Dex System is constantly calculating and automatically updating itself based on new trading data. This provides successful trades no matter what the market is doing.
Dex has a number of safety nets in place (both human and autonomous) to ensure it smartly locks in optimum profit while minimizing risk.
We believe that transparency breeds success. That’s why we provide a public view of our company analytics. From Dropil company statistics to Dex pool performances and market statistics.
If youre interest with Dex Features, you should register in here : https://dex.dropil.com/signup
Thank you for reading, have a great day!💜