Safeguard Based Neo Platform

3 min readJun 6, 2018


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Safeguard is an established organization operating at the forefront of safety innovation. With a strong team and a working product since 2015, Safeguard is now raising €10,000,000 worth of NEO to achieve it’s biggest milestone yet: developing an open-source, AI-powered accident prediction and prevention platform that can make any workspace significantly safer.

Looking forward, the Blockchain-based Safeguard Protocol and its associated ecosystem will act as a safety-tech platform which others can use and contribute to. Hereby, organizations and developers are empowered to co-develop particular use cases and specifications on top of the platform’s core functionalities. To achieve this, the current (licensed) Safeguard Platform is going to be converted into an entirely open-source ecosystem. The Safeguard Token (SGT), forms a pivotal part of this ecosystem, enabling users with access to the Protocol whilst facilitating the incentivization of code contributors.

The Safeguard Solution

Safeguard’s team and operational home is based in the Netherlands. With 10 core team members and a team of trusted advisors, we’re a group marked by the trait of diversity, both in skill sets and knowledge. We have proven experience in the fields of software engineering, business development, growth marketing and emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and blockchain. Hence, our team is optimally suited to the ambitious endeavour of making the world an all-round safer place. Furthermore, we are supported by experienced advisors in the fields of marketing and PR, legal, finance, safety regulations, smart contract development and cyber security.

The world ,is moving towards ‘smart buildings’, ‘smart homes’ and ‘smart working environments’. Through machine learning and Internet of Things technology, different safety tools can intel-ligently communicate with one another. From smoke alarms to radios, switches, sensors and other devices, the possibilities are virtually endless.
Safeguard is applying this technology to build pattern recognition and machine learning soft-ware that deeply understands the root causes of safety breaches and emergency incidents, eventually predicting them in real time.

Envisioning a Safer Future

With the objective of building one foundational platform for the entire safety sector, we’re co-de-veloping our envisioned AI system with a range of
partners and data-input providers (Oracles). Based on the large quantity of required data for this system to effectively fulfill its task, the commu-
nity-driven approach to its development will also play a pivotal role in bolstering the speed and scale of the project. Within this development ecosys-
tem, the Safeguard Token (SGT) will be used to incentivize others to contribute to the Safeguard Protocol, providing additional input variables to our AI platform, thereby continuously expanding and improving it.
Regulated by The Safeguard Foundation, the Safeguard Protocol offers a decentralised alter-native to the current Safeguard (crisis communication) platform. Operating entirely on a Block-chain and employing mechanisms of data-encryption and smart contracts, this protocol enables users to anonymously use the Safeguard Protocol, whilst also enabling them to customise it to their own specific needs.
As a driving principle, we’re aware of the potential to ‘decentralise’ and thereby democratize the world of safety-tech, putting the power in the hands of everyday consumers and businesses.

For more info check here.







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