Spread the word, stack the bags — presenting Earn Dropil
1. Welcome to Earn Dropil
We want to spread the word about Dropil and need your help! If you have followed Dropil for a while now you know that we wouldn’t be content with just a traditional style user base marketing push.
In typical Dropil fashion we built an entire new platform to make the program as easy to use and effective as possible! We noticed we already had many users turning out amazing content promoting Dropil, and we felt there should be a way to reward those users for their dedication.
Introducing Earn Dropil, the peer marketing platform that gives users the chance to stack more Drops while doing what many of you are doing anyway :
* making videos
* posts
* comments
* blog articles, etc.
about your experiences with Dropil products and the platform as a whole.
Earn Dropil will be the one stop place to come find out about any and all new ways to earn Drops. This system will allow us to easily keep you up to date on new opportunities, track your submissions, and user history.
There will be a variety of ever changing opportunities within Earn, some items will be open for long periods, and others will be limited to the first few to claim a project.
Each project will have an easy to click into details section that outlines reward levels, grading criteria, and proof of completion requirements. We have designed the system as usual, to be the most user friendly experience possible, ensuring that earning Drops is as convenient as possible.
We know everyone involved with Dropil wants to see the platform reach new users and succeed, and so we felt it was important to facilitate this via a dedicated system.
No one knows more about the benefits and upsides of Dropil than our dedicated user base and this is why we want you to be the ones to introduce others and be rewarded for that effort. There will be grading scales for each project allowing the best entrants to earn even more Drops, and discourage low quality participation that could be seen as spam.
You can expect to see the fully functioning Earn platform rollout very soon!
Note : At this time Earn Dropil will not be open to US residents in an effort to stay on the correct side of somewhat ambiguous rulings about the distribution of tokens in exchange for a user’s effort. We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
2. But wait, there’s more!
We know we recently let out a teaser (see image below) about a new bot being introduced to the Dropil ecosystem, but this is not that announcement. Stay tuned for full details and announcement on the new bot coming soon!
3. Dex Can Even Fix Your Closet! — Dropil Merch Store
We know every morning when you look in your closet your first thought is…… ‘wow I really wish I had a wardrobe full of Dropil gear!’ Well we heard you loud and clear, presenting the all new Dropil one stop swag shop.
You will find a large assortment of Dropil merchandise to keep you looking good and representing your favorite crypto ecosystem year round whether you need tank tops or jackets or something in between.
All the usual suspects are represented in the store, but of course you know that at Dropil we like to make things interesting so there will be a few special features to keep an eye out for as well, including limited popup releases.
We made certain that payment options included a few of the top cryptocurrencies such as BTC and ETH but if you like to kick it old school you can pay by card too. As always keep an eye on our socials for updates and thank you for all your support.
check this out! www.dropil.com/shop
Thanks for reading❤
I hope youre have a great day!
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